AmCham Venezuela
Luis Vicente Garcia, General Manager
Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Torre Credival, Piso 10
2da. Avenida de Campo Alegre
Campo Alegre; Apartado 5181
Caracas 1010-A, Venezuela
(58-212) 263-0833
(58-212) 263-1829/0586/2060
US Mailing Address:
VenAmCham: S-522
Jet Internacional C.A.
P.O. Box 020010
Miami, FL 33102-0010
Founded in 1950, the Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an independent, self-supporting and private non-profit institution. VenAmCham’s primary mission is to promote trade and investment relations between the United States and Venezuela. VenAmCham has over 1,050 company members represented by over 6,500 senior-level executives with 32 operating committees each focusing on a separate industry and sector. VenAmCham is led by a volunteer Board of Directors, elected on an annual basis, and managed by a General Manager and senior staff. Services include business facilitation and networking opportunities, economic and political analysis, seminars and conferences, commercial information resources, U.S. visa processing, sector committee participation, publications, newsletters, and more. With its own business magazine called Business Venezuela now on its 49th year, VenAmCham also works directly with its members on Corporate Social Responsibility programs and activities through the year.