Innovation, Technology and Knowledge to Better Serve the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Small & Medium Enterprises
Despite their potential to drive sustained economic growth, many SMEs are constrained by a lack of financing. However, new technologies, infrastructures, and business models around the world are making room for innovations that can dramatically improve SME access to finance. On September 21-22, 2015 in Medellin, Colombia, the FINPYME Forum: The 1st LAC Forum for Innovation in SME Finance will provide an unprecedented opportunity for such innovations to be shared while allowing participants to network with an extraordinary group of financial institutions, FinTech companies, innovators, and other vital ecosystem participants.
The FINPYME Forum will feature distinguished speakers in the SME finance space and participants will learn about innovative solutions, technologies, and successful models to better serve the SME market. Leading FinTech companies will pitch their solutions during short and dynamic demonstrations that will allow participants to discover viable means of improving competitiveness by reaching a greater portion of the SME market.
To date, over 40 speakers and FinTech presenters have been confirmed and more coming soon. The support and commitments of numerous sponsors and partners further validate the timely importance of the FINPYME Forum for SME finance and private sector development. If you wish to attend and be part of this conversation, please register at
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President and Head of International John Murphy issued the following statement on the Nicarag...
Read moreEl Vicepresidente Senior de la Cámara de Comercio de Estados Unidos John Murphy emitió la siguiente declaración sobre la decisi...
Read moreAACCLA wrote to the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration to express concerns about local implementation challenge...
Read moreThe U.S. Chamber’s Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America and the Caribbean (AACCLA) is hosting its annua...
Read moreU.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Suzanne P. Clark gave the following remarks at the Inter-American Development Bank “B...
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